Bucharest Otopeni Airport (OTP)
Available services
- Shared door-to-door service between Bucharest Otopeni Airport and Bucharest city. For detailed information click here.
- Scheduled low cost bus service between Bucharest Otopeni Airport and Bucharest Central Bus Station. For detailed information click here.
Shared door-to-door service
- Otopeni hotels (only to hotels!)
- Bucharest city
Distance between airport and city: approx. 16 km
Transfer journey time: 20-60 minutes depending on destination and traffic.
Meeting points
From Bucharest Otopeni Airport:
Our meeting point at the airport is inside the terminal.
To Bucharest Otopeni Airport:
In the city our driver will wait in front of your hotel/accommodation.
Pick-up times
Your pick-up time from the airport is approx. 60 minutes after arrival.
From the city to the airport your pick-up time it approx. 2-3 hours prior to your scheduled flight departure.
Scheduled low cost bus service:
Distance between airport and city: approx. 15 km
Transfer journey time: 45 minutes depending on destination and traffic.
Meeting points
From Bucharest Otopeni Airport:
Our meeting point is located at the Arrivals area, across the flower shop - right exit.
To Bucharest Otopeni Airport:
In the city the meeting point is at the central bus station.
There is a bus from and to the city every hour. You can use any of these buses!
From the city to the airport we recommend that the passengers use a bus 3-4 hours prior to the scheduled flight departure.