Milan Bergamo (BGY)
Available services
- Scheduled low cost bus between Milan Bergamo Airport and Milan city center. For detailed information click here.
Scheduled low cost bus service
Useful information
Distance between airport and city: 45 km
Transfer journey time: 60 minutes depending on the traffic.
Meeting points
Milan Bergamo Airport:
At the airport our meeting point is in the arrivals area, bus parking (in front of the long stay car park).
In Milan city centre our meting point is at Piazza Luigi di Savoia (in front of the “Palazzo delle Poste” building).
Further stops:
Cologno Monzese
From Milan Bergamo Airport to Milan city:
The first bus leaves the airport at 04:05 am and the last one 01:00 am. Buses run approximately
From Milan city to Milan Bergamo Airport:
The first bus leaves the city at 02:50 am and the last one 22:10 pm. Buses run approximately
Before booking, please check if there is a suitable bus start for your flight.