Leeds-Bradford Airport (LBA)
Available services
- Scheduled low cost bus between Leeds-Bradford Airport and Leeds; Bradford and Harrogate city center. For detailed information click here.
Scheduled low cost bus service
Useful information
Distance between the airport and Leeds: 17 km
Distance between the airport and Bradford: 13 km
Distance between the airport and Harrogate: 13 km
Transfer journey time: 30 minutes depending on the traffic.
Meeting points
Leeds-Bradford Airport:
At the airport our meeting point is outside the terminal.
Our buses depart from Leeds Bus Station.
Our buses depart from Bradford Interchange
Our buses depart from Harrogate Bus Station
Our bus service runs approx. every 30 minutes between 05:55 and 23:45 from the airport to the city and between 06:05 and 23:05 from the city to the airport.
Our bus service runs approx. hourly between 06:10 and 23:50 from the airport to the city and between 05:10 and 23:10 from the city to the airport.
Our bus service runs approx. hourly between 06:29 and 21:29 from the airport to the city and between 06:29 and 21:29 from the city to the airport.
Before booking, please check if there is a suitable bus start for your flight.
We reserve the right to change the timetables! Please to check the actual timetable 1 days prior to journey and if it is needed, please download and print out your updated E-ticket.