Liverpool John Lennon Airport (LPL)
Available services
- Scheduled low cost bus between Liverpool John Lennon Airport and Liverpool city center. For detailed information click here.
Scheduled low cost bus service - Liverpool city
Useful information
Distance between airport and city: 25 km
Transfer journey time: 40-50 minutes depending on the traffic.
Meeting points
Liverpool John Lennon Airport:
At Liverpool Airport our meeting point is outside the terminal, in front of the entrance. You need to find the bus n°500/n°86A.
In Liverpool city you need to take the bus n°500/n°86A. The recommended meeting point is ONE Bus Station
Further stops:
n°500: Skelhorne St
n°86A: Liverpool Renshaw St/Brownlow Hill; Liverpool, Elliot Street
In Liverpool our bus service runs according to a specific timetable.
Before booking, please check if there is a suitable bus start for your flight. To see the timetable please click here.